Meet the Artist: Elizabeth Rhoades, impressionist Fine Artist

Morphosis Gallery 33 Market Street, Onancock, VA, United States

We welcome Elizabeth to our gallery.  She will bring a diverse offering of paintings from her studio to fill our front room. It will be a must see event! Music by David Pruitt and sweet treats!!! All welcome!

Mother’s Day Event

Morphosis Gallery 33 Market Street, Onancock, VA, United States

Meet the artisan Joel Simpson, who is an incredible wood crafter.  A full selection of bowls, spoons, cutting boards and more will be available. We will have live music and refreshments. All are welcome!

Art & Music on the Farm

The Barrier Island Center 7295 Young St, Machipongo, VA, United States

We will be featuring Bayou Basses & Guitars and Lynne's sea glass mosaics and garden art.

Meet the Artisan – Sculptor: Guy Shover

Morphosis Gallery 33 Market Street, Onancock, VA, United States

Come see Guy's amazing collection and enjoy live music and refreshments. All are welcome.