Meet the Artist: Featuring Dan Jasper of Jasper Guitars

Morphosis Gallery 33 Market Street, Onancock, VA, United States

We welcome Jasper Guitars as a new addition to our gallery. Dan will have a large studio display of his extraordinary Guitars and Basses. Live music and refreshments, all welcome!!!

Mother’s Day Event

Meet the artisan Joel Simpson, who is an incredible wood crafter.  A full selection of bowls, spoons, cutting boards and more will be available. We will have live music and refreshments. All are welcome!

Art & Music on the Farm

We will be featuring Bayou Basses & Guitars and Lynne's sea glass mosaics and garden art.

Gallery Music Jam

Featuring the music and instruments of Dan Jasper (Jasper Custom Guitars) and Bill Kretzer (Bayou Basses). Come all musicians and music lovers for an evening of great live music and refreshments.

Meet the Artisan – Brenda Llewellyn

We invite everyone to come meet Brenda and see her collection of porcelain and stoneware ceramics. Refreshments and live music will accompany the events.